Since we are dealing with a perishable product and since most everyone has a smart phone, our return policy requires a photo accompanied by either order #, or sender’s last name or recipient’s last name (for order identification). Please email to or text/call 888-346-3356 within 24 hours of delivery.
Expedited returns are usually a result of dead flowers, unfulfilled requests so judged within reason, or straight-up missed-delivery with no adequate explanation. These circumstances usually result in immediate cancellation & credit in our system Please bear in mind, that sometimes the cash settlement is delayed by your bank’s or credit card policy.
In our experience, florists do not intentionally send out dead flowers, but wholesalers and growers are known to skirt the limits. They know if their hydrangeas haven’t hardened, or other their roses have been in the fridge for too long, then after they are in room temperature, the flowers will “go down” aka, be dead by bed time. Other scenarios include cold wind: orchid blooms wilt, Poinsettia leaves curl then crisp up.
Dehydration and/or extreme heat can cause temperate flowers to wilt. If this is the case it is easily remedied by adding water to the vase.
All vases should be topped up upon receipt. Spring bulb flowers drink like crazy so their containers should be filled up almost every day. every 3 days, remove 'old flowers', re-cut the stems and change out the old water for fresh. These few steps can add days to your flowers!