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    Shades of Pink

    Shades of Pink

    This full and lush arrangement features the loveliest available luxury blooms in shades of pink ranging from soft blush to bright fuchsia. As shown by member florist The Enchanted Florist, Fort Worth, TX.


      Prices as listed are generally for the product as shown, however we are happy to accommodate varying budgets and can adjust arrangements to sizes larger and smaller than those shown. Due to the seasonal availability of products and the fluctuating prices of products by region, there are situations when the substitutions made may affect the size and appearance of the gifts delivered. Please know that we will try our best to fulfill your requests as closely as possible using the most premium products available and will make substitutions only when necessary

      Need some guidance? We're happy to help! Give us a call at 888.346.3356 and we will assist you in placing your order.

      Same day delivery is typically available until 12 pm in the recipient's time zone. Most of our member florists are closed on Sundays though in some cases we may be able to accommodate special deliveries if we receive the order in advance. Orders placed past 12 pm in the recipient's time zone or for Sunday delivery may be delivered the next business day though we will make every attempt to accommodate your first-choice delivery date.

      As we are dealing with perishable items, varying temperatures, exposures and processing can affect the longevity and quality of our products. We kindly ask that requests for returns, redeliveries or complaints be accompanied with a photo of the order in question. In the event that your order was not delivered in a timely manner, please reach out to us as soon as possible so that we may remedy the situation. For all enquiries, please email the relevant order details to or text/call 888-346-3356 within 24 hours of delivery. We greatly appreciate your feedback as it helps us maintain the integrity of our network.


    Let our expert designers work their magic and carefully curate the freshest, most beautiful seasonal blooms in soft pastels. As shown by member florist Robin Wood Flowers, OH.
    Add a burst of sunshine to someone's day with our stunning floral arrangement in an array of citrus tones. As shown by member florist Dragonfly Floral, CA.
    Bring the beauty and elegance of nature into your space with our exquisite colored orchid plant. Our florists will deliver the loveliest plant available, tastefully staked with natural branch and finished with moss in a chic container. Double Spike plants beginning at $150. As shown by member florist David Brown Flowers, TX.